Tag Rapid Prototyping Technology

Rapid Prototyping (RPM) is a set of CAD / CAM technology, laser processing technology, CNC technology, mechanical and electronic engineering, and other multidisciplinary and new materials and other technical areas of the latest achievements in the integration of parts prototyping technology.

rapid prototyping

The traditional parts manufacturing process often requires turning, clamping, shaping, grinding and other machining equipment and a variety of fixtures, tools, and molds, high manufacturing costs, long cycle time for a more complex part, the processing cycle or even months, it is difficult to adapt to the low-cost, high-efficiency processing requirements.

Rapid prototyping technology is different from the traditional method of removing material to make parts, but the way to construct the model of the part with the accumulation of material layer by layer.

It utilizes the three-dimensional CAD model data of the parts to be manufactured to directly generate product prototypes, and the CAD model can be easily modified to remanufacture product prototypes.

Because the technology is not as complicated as the traditional parts manufacturing method to make wooden molds, plastic molds, ceramic molds, etc., the manufacturing time of the prototype parts can be reduced to a few days, a few hours, greatly shortening the product development cycle and reducing the development cost.

The rapid development of computer technology and three-dimensional CAD software applications continues to promote, more and more products based on three-dimensional CAD design and development, making the wide application of rapid prototyping technology possible.

Rapid prototyping technology has been widely used in the world of aviation, aviation, automotive, communications, medical, electronics, home appliances, toys, military equipment, industrial modeling (sculpture), architectural models, the machinery industry, and other fields.

It was developed in the late 1980s, is considered to be the last 20 years in the field of manufacturing a major breakthrough bowl, and is currently one of the persistent research in the field of advanced manufacturing.

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