Tag Quenching

Principle of quenching: After the metal workpiece is heated to a certain temperature, it is immersed in coolant, and after cooling treatment, the performance of the workpiece will be better and more stable. Quenching is to get martensitic organization, and then after tempering, so that the workpiece obtains good performance in use, in order to give full play to the potential of the material, its main purpose is:

1. to improve the mechanical properties of the metal into materials or parts, for example: to improve the hardness and wear resistance of tools, bearings, etc., to improve the elastic limit of springs, to improve the overall mechanical properties of shaft parts, etc.

2. Improve the material properties or chemical properties of some special steels, e.g. improve the corrosion resistance of Pi Rust Steel, increase the permanent magnetism of magnetic steel, etc.



The quenching process in the modern machinery manufacturing industry is widely used. Important parts in machinery, especially in automobiles, airplanes, and rockets in the application of steel parts are almost all quenched.

In order to meet the diverse technical requirements of various parts, the development of a variety of quenching processes.

For example, according to the parts to be treated, there is a whole, local quenching and surface quenching; according to the heating of the phase change is complete, there is a complete quenching and incomplete quenching (for the sub-eutectic steel, the method is also known as subcritical quenching); according to the cooling of the content of the phase change, there are graded quenching, isothermal quenching and undercutting quenching, and so on.

In addition, the quenching method has its own characteristics and limitations, so they are in certain conditions to obtain applications, which is the most common application of induction heating surface quenching and flame quenching.

Laser beam heating and electron beam heating is currently the rapid development of high energy density heating and quenching methods, due to some of its other heating methods do not have the characteristics, and therefore being noticed.

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